@kubb/plugin-swr 🦙 ​
With the SWR plugin you can create SWR hooks based on an operation in the Swagger file.
Installation ​
bun add @kubb/plugin-swr
pnpm add @kubb/plugin-swr
npm install @kubb/plugin-swr
yarn add @kubb/plugin-swr
Options ​
output ​
output.path ​
Output to save the SWR hooks.
Type: string
Default: 'hooks'
import { pluginSwr } from '@kubb/plugin-swr'
const plugin = pluginSwr({
output: {
path: './hooks',
output.exportAs ​
Name to be used for the export * as from './'
Type: string
import { pluginSwr } from '@kubb/plugin-swr'
const plugin = pluginSwr({
output: {
path: './hooks',
exportAs: 'hooks',
output.extName ​
Add an extension to the generated imports and exports, default it will not use an extension
Type: string
import { pluginSwr } from '@kubb/plugin-swr'
const plugin = pluginSwr({
output: {
path: './hooks',
extName: '.js',
output.exportType ​
Define what needs to exported, here you can also disable the export of barrel files
Type: 'barrel' | 'barrelNamed' | false
import { pluginSwr } from '@kubb/plugin-swr'
const plugin = pluginSwr({
output: {
path: './hooks',
exportType: 'barrel',
group ​
Group the SWR hooks based on the provided name.
group.type ​
Tag will group based on the operation tag inside the Swagger file.
Type: 'tag'
Required: true
group.output ​
When defining a custom output path, you should also update output.path
to contain the same root path.
Relative path to save the grouped SWR hooks. {{tag}}
will be replaced by the current tagName.
Type: string
Example: hooks/{{tag}}Controller
=> hooks/PetController
Default: '${output}/{{tag}}Controller'
group.exportAs ​
Name to be used for the export * as {{exportAs}} from './
Type: string
Default: '{{tag}}SWRHooks'
import { pluginSwr } from '@kubb/plugin-swr'
const plugin = pluginSwr({
output: {
path: './hooks'
group: { type: 'tag', output: './hooks/{{tag}}Controller' },
client ​
client.importPath ​
Path to the client import path that will be used to do the API calls.
It will be used as import client from '${client.importPath}'
It allow both relative and absolute path. the path will be applied as is, so relative path shoule be based on the file being generated.
Type: string
Default: '@kubb/plugin/client'
import { pluginSwr } from '@kubb/plugin-swr'
const plugin = pluginSwr({
client: {
importPath: '../../client.ts',
dataReturnType ​
ReturnType that needs to be used when calling client().
will return ResponseConfig[data]. 'full'
will return ResponseConfig.
export async function getPetById<TData>(
petId: GetPetByIdPathParams,
): Promise<ResponseConfig<TData>["data"]> {
export async function getPetById<TData>(
petId: GetPetByIdPathParams,
): Promise<ResponseConfig<TData>> {
Type: 'data' | 'full'
Default: 'data'
import { pluginSwr } from '@kubb/plugin-swr'
const plugin = pluginSwr({
dataReturnType: 'data',
include ​
Array containing include parameters to include tags/operations/methods/paths.
export type Include = {
type: 'tag' | 'operationId' | 'path' | 'method'
pattern: string | RegExp
Type: Array<Include>
import { pluginSwr } from '@kubb/plugin-swr'
const plugin = pluginSwr({
include: [
type: 'tag',
pattern: 'store',
exclude ​
Array containing exclude parameters to exclude/skip tags/operations/methods/paths.
export type Exclude = {
type: 'tag' | 'operationId' | 'path' | 'method'
pattern: string | RegExp
Type: Array<Exclude>
import { pluginSwr } from '@kubb/plugin-swr'
const plugin = pluginSwr({
exclude: [
type: 'tag',
pattern: 'store',
override ​
Array containing override parameters to override options
based on tags/operations/methods/paths.
export type Override = {
type: 'tag' | 'operationId' | 'path' | 'method'
pattern: string | RegExp
options: PluginOptions
Type: Array<Override>
import { pluginSwr } from '@kubb/plugin-swr'
const plugin = pluginSwr({
override: [
type: 'tag',
pattern: 'pet',
options: {
dataReturnType: 'full',
transformers ​
transformers.name ​
Override the name of the hook that is getting generated, this will also override the name of the file.
Type: (name: string, type?: "function" | "type" | "file" ) => string
import { pluginSwr } from '@kubb/plugin-swr'
const plugin = pluginSwr({
transformers: {
name: (name) => {
return `${ name }Hook`
templates ​
Make it possible to override one of the templates.
See templates for more information about creating templates.
Set false
to disable a template.
import type { Mutation, Query, QueryOptions } from '@kubb/plugin-swr/components'
export type Templates = {
mutation: typeof Mutation.templates | false
query: typeof Query.templates | false
queryOptions: typeof QueryOptions.templates | false
Type: Templates
import { pluginSwr } from '@kubb/plugin-swr'
import { Query } from '@kubb/plugin-swr/components'
import React from 'react'
export const templates = {
} as const
const plugin = pluginSwr({
templates: {
query: templates,
Example ​
import { defineConfig } from '@kubb/core'
import { pluginOas } from '@kubb/plugin-oas'
import { pluginSwr } from '@kubb/plugin-swr'
import { pluginTs } from '@kubb/plugin-ts'
export default defineConfig({
input: {
path: './petStore.yaml',
output: {
path: './src/gen',
plugins: [
output: {
path: './hooks',
group: {
type: 'tag',
output: './hooks/{{tag}}Hooks'
dataReturnType: 'full',
parser: 'zod',